
Why donate?

September 8, 2024

The best way to reach and help those who are more disadvantaged than us around […]

Help and donation?

September 8, 2024

Donation; It is given without a request by the person or institutions receiving it and […]

What is the donor called?

September 8, 2024

Persons and institutions that provide support in kind or in cash for the consumption of […]

Is the donation one-sided?

September 8, 2024

Forgiveness, as a rule, is a unilateral agreement, but it is a bilateral legal action. […]

Who can receive donations?

September 8, 2024

In accordance with the public interest, real persons, associations, institutions, foundations, sports clubs, newspapers and […]

What are the donation conditions?

September 8, 2024

Three elements are required to be able to talk about a donation event. We can […]